Summer Master series At tpd!


Master Series and Camps

Turning Point Dance Studios offers a unique and affordable opportunity for aspiring dancers to enhance their skills during the summer months. The summer master classes and camps bring professional instructors right to the studio, eliminating the need for costly travel and large conventions.

TPD’s summer master classes and camps offer a personalized and intimate learning environment, allowing dancers to receive individualized attention and feedback from their instructors. This approach fosters growth and development, both as dancers and as individuals.

Turning Point Dance Studio is committed to providing high-quality dance education that is accessible and affordable for all. The summer master classes and camps are a testament to this commitment, providing a unique and valuable opportunity for dancers to enhance their skills and achieve their goals.

Traveling or Community Company members will be required to participate in no fewer than 1 master series along with their summer schedule. If they are not able to participate in the 6 week summer schedule they must take 4 Master series.